Friday, 3 September 2010

Red Square

Lubyanka Square

Wow, what a day. Arthur and I are now hooked on Moscow...well, Arthur has to do what I say at the minute so he's hooked whether he likes it or not. Got the Metro to Lubyanka Square where the infamous KGB building is situated. I must admit that I did have a rather traumatic Metro experience - not through getting lost but I have to balance the buggy on the escalator (there are sets of grandparents now screaming with horror) and so there was I balancing the buggy when suddenly we got to the end without me noticing  - well, I slammed the buggy wheels down suddenly and jammed them into the end of the escalator and in so doing stopped us and anyone else from exiting - now, please try to imagine that the escalator is still moving so I became a dam, holding back the populace of Moscow! By the time I de-wedged the wheels a gush of people came tripping out from behind me all shouting in Russian to which I think in my panic I replied in part Spanish and part Italian....holy cow.

Anyway, back to the less embarrassing - The KGB building - I took some pictures  - feeling slightly like a spy and waiting for a police man to drag me away -
Door of KGB - not one you'd like to see the other side of...

If in doubt, this is a scary building -
KGB central!
I then carried on towards Red Square and was amazed by the architecture but I also realised that I was moving into the designer quarter as the shops started to change -
Yes, it does say 'Chloe' hence the picture.
We then experienced another rain storm to which the Russians keep saying 'this is so unusual'  - indeed - heard it all before. Arthur and I sheltered in a rather lovely archway with some fellow Russians -
Hiding from the rain
After hiding for several minutes we eventually got to Red Square and boy oh boy does it not take your breath away - you have the Kremlin on one side, two beautiful churches at each end and the 'GUM' department store on the other side.
Church of someone.....I'm not a tour guide you know.
Then the square itself-

Rather damp Red Square
'Gum' department store - only for the very very loaded...I got a coffee as I had to feed Arthur and that was really the only thing I could afford in the whole building....
GUM - for those who like Armani

Arthur chillin in GUM

We then went down to St. Basil's at the end of Red Square - what a truly amazing church - the colours are incredible. I think I would have liked St. Basil he seems to have been quite a fruity chap.

St. Basils - of the fruity variety...

Whilst we were pondering this great sight, my ears suddenly picked up that oh so recognisable sound of...BAGPIPES! Indeedy - twas not my ears deceiving me but a rehearsal of a military tattoo! 'Those Scots are everywhere' I cried - sadly no one was listening.
Kilts kilts everywhere!

Anyway, after listening to a pipe band and then the royal marines I was feeling quite jolly and walked another 50 miles on the adrenaline - here are some wonderful atmospheric iphone pics.... if you get bored, don't worry, I'm on my 10th vodka trying to get this finished....

Dome with clouds....

More domes and clouds - I know, I'm an artist....

St. George - a sparkly little number.

And the most architecturally magnificent building and historic value to mankind - 

A place where they understand me......
Kit - they know you're coming....

So long folks, that's enough culture for one day! Tomorrow is Moscow Day - God help us all as it would seem the whole of Moscow drowns in Vodka and fireworks...Oh and a wee speciality waiting for those coming to visit - Graeme went to a Ukrainian restaurant last night and the way you drink vodka Ukrainian style is - first you down some lard (to coat your throat) then the vodka ( which they grind pepper into) and then follow it by eating a pickled vegetable - it's basically the Ukrainian version of the Tequila shot with salt and lemon - yeah baby...lard me up or actually - pass me a bucket.

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