Monday, 20 December 2010

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?...No, it's super Alice!

I think Alice needs to get some electrolysis done - check out that beard... 

This blog entry is dedicated to Alice and her move into the unknown world of endless snow and silly coats. She now leaps through the snow like a deer in the New Forest, weaving her way from one patch of yellow snow to the next. I can now track her endless desire to smell other dogs wee as I can spot all the tasty areas of staining against the pure white. Oh Alice, life is so simple and easy....well, it was until I made you wear that coat....

Unfortunately that day, every time Alice did a wee, instead of going through the cut out hole, it went down the inside of the trouser legs and so became a fleece nappy which I'm sure was not pleasant for her in any way! May have to cut a bigger hole in the material. You can see at the end of the next video that she does a wee but there is no yellow patch left on the snow....oh dear, coat malfunction...

She is pretty bouncy in her suit and even attempted a few spins of pure snowy delight. Amazingly, the snow doesn't seem to annoy her. She hates water but solid water seems to be okay and she loves running through the banks of powder - I must admit to being amazed at this...we all know how precious she can be.

So, as you can see, Alice is enjoying her new environment and throwing herself into the snow with gusto. The weather is still pretty mild at -8 so I'm not sure she has really experienced the crazy temperatures yet. It is -17 on Thursday so we'll see how she copes. When we were away in England the temperature got down to -25 and Alice could only cope with 10 minutes outside before extreme shaking occurred...but, this was before the coat of many many colours....

I leave you with an image of a lady that sat opposite me on the Metro.....I think you'll agree that her overall look was quite an accomplishment. I was going to ask her if she wouldn't mind sitting on my Christmas tree....well, if you don't ask, you don't get...

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